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Unlawful Sex With A Minor

Statutory rape is unlawful sexual conduct as identified by statute, it is not rape in the sense that the parties were not consenting, although that could also be part of the offense. In Utah, the term statutory rape is never used by the legislature, but instead, a number of different terms have been used to establish a number of different offenses, all relating to statutory rape. Some of these offenses mentioned are “unlawful sexual activity with a minor,” sexual abuse of a minor,” and “unlawful sexual activity with a 16 or 17-year-old.” With all these different statutes and the multiple ways each can be offended, this area of law can be very fact-intensive and very confusing. As with all sex crimes, the penalties involved with statutory rape can be severe and can cause lifelong requirements to register as a sex offender. With all of this at stake, it is important to have an experienced attorney at your disposal defending your best interest.

Types Of Statutory Rape In Utah

The different offenses in Utah that could be defined as statutory rape are distinguished by the age of the parties and what type of sexual activity occurred. The age of the parties is usually separated into whether or not the victim was 14 or 15 or if the victim was 16 or 17. As for types of sexual conduct, the offenses are split between a lesser offense involving inappropriate touching and a more grievous offense involving sexual intercourse, oral stimulation or object penetration. The charges involved with these offenses can be very serious and involve very severe penalties. Contact an attorney at Salcido Law Firm to make sure you are protected.

Salcido Law Firm Statutory Rape Defense

Statutory rape charges are serious offenses, and although both parties may have consented to the relationship, the charged party could still be convicted and face jail time and sex offender registry requirements. With Utah’s complex laws and individual liberties at stake, it is imperative to have an attorney who knows the law and how to fight for you. The attorneys at Salcido Law Firm are dedicated to serving their clients and are experienced in defending sex crimes. Call us at 435-922-3277 or email us today for a free consultation.