Utah Rape Laws
Under the Utah code, rape is a first-degree felony and is described as sexual intercourse with a person without that person’s consent. Although most people associate the charge with criminal attacks by strangers, rape crimes can be committed between friends, acquaintances or even in a marriage. Before engaging in sexual intercourse, there must be an explicit understanding of consent. Otherwise, there could be accusations of rape. Although rape is a very serious charge and a very serious thing to accuse someone of, we have seen in the media that false accusations of rape have been used to get back at previous lovers. As unfortunate as it may be to accuse a possible victim of lying, it is also unfortunate for an innocent person to be charged and convicted of a crime as serious as rape. If you have been falsely accused of rape in Utah, call the attorneys at Salcido Law Firm to make sure that you are protected.
Rape Charges – Salcido Law Firm
A rape charge in Utah is a very serious charge that could result in life-altering consequences. If convicted of rape, the defendant will face jail time and sex offender registry requirements for the rest of his or her life. Furthermore, it is more difficult to receive parole as a sex offender, and even if paroled, life after a sexual offense of this nature can be extremely difficult. With a charge as serious as rape, it is obvious the prosecutor will aggressively pursue the maximum penalties, and proving that the accusations are false can be very difficult with a crime that usually involves few witnesses. Due to the difficulties involved with rape charges, it is very important for a defendant to seek legal counsel that is experienced and dedicated to protecting their clients’ rights. At Salcido Law Firm, you’ll find the attorney you need to help you in this difficult time.
Call For A Free Consultation
Whether you or a loved one is being accused of rape, call us today so we can help. We understand that you are not guilty until convicted, and we will investigate every aspect of your case to defend you. The attorneys at Salcido Law Firm are experienced in rape cases and are dedicated to preserving their client’s liberties. Call us at 435-922-3277 or email us today to set up a free initial consultation.