Over the past several months in St. George and throughout Southern Utah, there has been an increase in spice and bath salt charges. So much so, the Utah state crime lab has been inundated with spice testing from law enforcement all over the state. Synthetic marijuana and other designer drugs have only been made illegal in the past couple years but many people are unknowingly breaking the law by using certain products such as K2 and similar substances. Many people using spice and other products may not realize the Utah State Legislature passed laws prohibiting the possession and use of these drugs and has been adding new chemicals to the state substance abuse list each year. A common chemical for spice has been JWH-018. This was made illegal as well as other similar chemicals like RCS-4 etc. If you are found in possession of designer drugs with these and similar products, you could be facing a tough charge with difficult penalties. The good news is you do not have to go through this alone. Our team of St. George criminal defense lawyers is here to help.
Drug Analogs and the Law
A drug analog refers to a chemical compound which is structurally similar to that of a controlled substance. The law in Utah currently states that drug analogs are also illegal. This is where a lot of people get into trouble. Many spice and bath salt producers are constantly turning to new chemicals as a way of circumventing the controlled substance list. However, if a new chemical is similar to that on the controlled list, you could still be in violation of the law and in possession of illegal substances. If you find yourself in this predicament and are facing drug analog charges, you should speak with an attorney in our office as soon as possible to get started on your defense. Don’t trust a seller of a product who claims to be selling only legal substances, they may not even know for sure if what they have meets the analog test.
Southern Utah Defense Firm
By calling our Southern Utah Defense Firm, you can speak immediately with an attorney about your spice or other drug case. We understand the complex law in this field and have a great deal of experience representing clients in these types of drug cases in St. George, Cedar City, and other parts of the lower half of the state. Call us anytime 24/7 at 435-922-3277. We look forward to your call and will work hard on your behalf to ensure you get a fair shake in the process.