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Charges Dropped Against Ivins Man

On Behalf of | Aug 16, 2011 | Firm News

Sexual Exploitation Charges Dropped

On June 14, 2011 Ronald Craig Nelson was arrested for an investigation into five counts of sexual exploitation of a minor. Although this charge sounds somewhat unfamiliar and foreign, it is Utah’s child pornography statute. Nelson was originally detained on $50,000 bail but other than that little was known about the arrest or the investigation. It has been a month since that arrest and those charges against Nelson have been dropped. There is still little know as to why Nelson was arrested or what led to the investigation but the prosecuting attorney has stated that the decision to drop the charges came after receiving a forensic report of Nelson’s computer. Prosecuting attorney Brian Filter stated that there was not sufficient evidence to support the charges.

Sexual Exploitation of a Minor in Utah

In Utah, child pornography charges are categorized as sexual exploitation of a minor. A person is guilty of this offense if they knowingly produce, distribute, or posses child pornography. A conviction of sexual exploitation of a minor is a second degree felony and can carry up to 15 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. In most cases, however, there are multiple counts of this offense against one offender because each child depicted in the pornography or each separate material with the same child is a separate count. So offenders will most likely be facing multiple second degree felonies as was Nelson.

St. George Criminal Defense Attorney

If you or someone you love is being charged with a serious sex crime like sexual exploitation of a minor then there is no time to waste, you need to hire an attorney. The lawyers at St. George Criminal Defense are experienced trial attorneys who know how to get you the best outcome available. Sex crimes usually carry the added burden of ruined reputations, but we understand that a person is not guilty of the crime simply because they were charged with it. Call us today to set up a free consultation.