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Marijuana Possession Defense Attorney | Southern Utah

On Behalf of | Nov 13, 2011 | Firm News

If you have been charged with marijuana possession in Southern Utah, you need to speak with a defense attorney as soon as possible to ensure you understand the law, your potential defense, and the penalties you may be facing for you charges. From Beaver and Fillmore, to Cedar City and St. George, we defend people who have been pulled over and charged with marijuana possession and paraphernalia. We know that people are pulled over frequently without any just cause by the police. In many cases, the police profile drivers and pull them over just because they believe they will find pot or other drugs in the vehicle. You have rights on the road, we can help defend those rights and represent you when you have been unjustly charged with marijuana, prescription drug, or other related crime.

Consent to Search

When you are pulled over and you do not give your consent to an officer to search your vehicle, the officer must have probable cause to believe a crime is being committed in order to search the vehicle. Often, the police will simply state that they smell marijuana in the vehicle or come up with some other reason to do the search. In some cases we are able to show in court that the police lacks the probable cause necessary to do the search and we successfully have evidence suppressed and on occasion the case is dismissed entirely. Contact us to learn more about what a St. George criminal defense lawyer in our office can do for you.

Marijuana Paraphernalia

We have seen officers charge people with paraphernalia for almost anything associated with smoking or storing marijuana. The most common types of paraphernalia charges often include a marijuana pipe. However, we have seen cases where the police charged our clients for paraphernalia for minor things such as baggies or papers.

Drivers License Suspension

One of the most significant penalties you should be aware of is the fact that if you are found guilty of possession or paraphernalia, you could lose your license for several months. For more information, call and speak with a marijuana defense attorney at our law firm today. You can reach us during normal business hour or after hours anytime at 801-413-1753.